Amazon Marketing Services

Amazon Marketing Services

Can you relate to these common Amazon PPC headaches?

  • Your sponsored product ads have poor visibility and limited targeting of potential visitors
  • Despite creating multiple sponsored campaigns, you have not achieved consistent success and instead have seen low ROI and high cost of advertising sales.
  • Managing Amazon PPC campaigns has become overwhelming, particularly when it comes to implementing optimization strategies, navigating advertising options, and analyzing reporting data.

If your answer is “Yes!” to any of these, you are in the right place and our Amazon Marketing Services will help you.

Our PPC Process

4 step process to take your brand from survival to success.

  • Free analysis and review your current PPC campaigns to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement. 
  • This can help to identify any missed opportunities or inefficiencies in your advertising strategy.
  • This process involves reviewing your overall brand experience and making recommendations to improve it.
  • This can include things like optimizing your product listings, improving your customer reviews, and making sure that your brand is being presented in the best possible light.
  • This process involves researching and selecting the most relevant and effective keywords for your PPC campaigns.
  • This can include identifying new keywords that may be useful for your campaigns, as well as optimizing existing keywords to improve their performance.
  • This process involves implementing and managing your PPC campaigns, as well as continuously monitoring and optimizing them to improve their performance over time.
  • This can include things like adjusting bid prices, targeting specific audiences, and testing different ad formats and messaging.

How can you get started with Earneo?

Book A Meeting

First step in working with EARNEO involves a call to discuss brand building journey, goals and needs of a business to determine how to best support it.


We will do a Free Audit of your account. After understanding brand and goals, we will develop a project budget, timeline, potential challenges and sign an agreement, then we get to work.


This step involves deeper discussion of brand's unique story, goals, target audience, competitors, and vision to create a customized strategy for achieving business goals.


Executing the discussed plan, working closely with you to meet expectations, providing regular updates and feedback on project progress.

Need a Quote?

From loss to profit, from survival to success!